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Thomas News Highlights

News Highlight

Producers & Procurers iQ: A Print Sourcing Dilemma: The United States or China

The days of assuming China's advantage in lower cost and higher output are over. More and more American companies have ended their sourcing relationships there and are, instead, working with U.S. suppliers. According to an April 2020 Thomas survey of 878 North American manufacturing and industrial sector professionals polled during the Covid-19 pandemic, 64% of companies across manufacturing and industrial sectors "are likely to bring manufacturing production and sourcing back to North America to avoid similar difficulties in the future."

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News Highlight

Realtor Magazine: The Construction Conundrum

With inventory still low, more home buyers look to plan B: new builds. But that, too, has become tough with land and labor growing scarcer and supply chain struggles lingering. 

Because of the prices, as well as significant shortages, many architects, builders, and homebuyers are asking two key questions: How long will the surge continue and why did it happen in the first place? Tony Uphoff, president and CEO of Thomas, which provides analysis and tools that reflect the buying process, says his company data shows a steady surge in sourcing activity for lumber over the last year.

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News Highlight

The Loadstar: The great sourcing dilemma for shippers in a disrupted global economy

The soaring costs of shipping are prompting companies to reconsider their supply chains and look for alternative sourcing. A new report by supply chain platform provider Thomas indicates a pronounced increase in manufacturers’ interest in shifting sourcing. Its survey of North American manufacturers found 83% likely, or extremely likely, to reshore sourcing, a leap from 54% in March 2020.

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