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Thomas News Highlights

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News Highlight

Cloud Wars Podcast: 200,000 Robots - 1.3 Million Manufacturing Jobs - Uphoff on Industry

In this month's episode, Tony discusses "change management" with Bob Evans.  He also discussed  the “redefinition of work" as it pertains to the nearly 200,000 robots have entered the U.S. market in the last seven years. And in those same seven years, 1.3 million new manufacturing jobs have also emerged. These aren’t white collar jobs or blue collar jobs—they’re “new collar” jobs.

Watch or listen below.



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News Highlight

The Industrial and Manufacturing Podcast: How the Digital Transformation Can Help Companies Excel in Marketing to Attract Both Leads and Employees

Shawn Fitzgerald, Thomas CMO discusses with Todd Hockenberry the digital transformation to excel your marketing efforts with your customers and future employees. Topics covered include integrating millennials into your workforce and practical tips you can implement to generate more leads and attract the right employees for your business. 

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